2019年6月17日 星期一

[筆記] SECS中的三種變數型態DV、SV、EC

  • Data Variable (DV)
  • Status Variable (SV)
  • Equipment Constant (EC)

Data Variable (DV) – data items that can be gathered when an equipment event occurs. This data is only guaranteed to be valid in the context of the event. For example, the GEM interface may provide an event called PPChanged (triggered when a recipe changes). The interface may also provide a data variable called changed recipe. The value of this DV is only valid in the context of the PPChanged event. Polling the value at a different time may have invalid or unexpected data.

Status Variable (SV) – data items that contain information about the equipment. This data is guaranteed to be valid at any time. For example, the equipment may have a temperature sensor in a process module. The GEM interface may provide a ModuleTemperature status variable. The host can request the value of this SV at any time and expect the value to be accurate.

Equipment Constant (EC) – data items that contain equipment settings. Equipment Constants determine how equipment will behave. For example, a GEM interface may have an equipment constant called MaxSimultaneousTraces which specifies the maximum number of traces that can be requested simultaneously from the host. The value of equipment constants is always guaranteed to be valid and up to date.

節錄自:SECS/GEM series: Data Polling

2019年6月16日 星期日

[筆記] 節錄-CP與FT可以使用相同測試機台

此外,在 IC的製程中,晶片測試(CP)與最終測試(FT)只需要更換不同的測試配件,便可以共用相同的測試機台,例如FT用分類機、CP用針測機。

--第二十三章 半導體製造概論


「測試機台不能直接接觸 IC,必須透過一個介面。這個介面在 CP 是 Probe Card,在 FT 則是 Load Board。為什麼同樣的機台在 CP 會測得比較慢呢?因為Probe Card。目前 Probe Card 的設計(製造)還無法跟上我們要的速度,太快了它會劃出亂七八糟、髒兮兮的圖。......」
--[工餘速記] 廠內演講